Monday, May 10, 2010

shelly moore band

i should be studying for my first final write now. but sometimes i can't help but write. i've been thinking a lot about Spirit and Truth lately i'm learning, as stressful times slowly come upon me, especially this week, the Enemy has the strongest foothold when it comes to my emotions. they ebb and flow from day to day, trust me. but when i remember the basic truths of our faith Satan has no place. as it says in Ephesians stand therefore having fastened on the belt of truth at the end of the verse it says and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word.
i do not think that when it comes to worshipping in Spirit and in Truth as it says in John 4:23. that one is more important than the other. but rather one flows out of the other. it says in John 4:24 that God is Spirit...not our emotions or feelings...

our emotions will change from day to day we will one day "feel" the Lord near and the next He will seem unreachable. i just want you to know that in the midst of finals He is the same God today as He was the day you were born. ever loving and ever pursuing your heart. just as the day He laid down His life on the cross for you. don't let finals affect your relationship with the Lord. stand on the TRUTH of His unchanging grace and love.

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