Friday, January 3, 2014

you will be like those who dream. psalms.

When I was a little girl, I always dreamed of going to Ireland. I knew it would not be possible but there was still a giddy yearning in my heart of the day I could see the cliffs of Moher or pretty castles on a hill. I would dream big dreams that were beautiful and vibrant and hopeful. Yet my heart was breaking, the real world wasn’t like my dreams. It felt more like a nightmare sometimes. There were so many years of hurting, wishing, begging God to free me from pains that felt un healable, and scars that just seemed too deep; they would always be there holding me down, chocking out the life and joy from me. Years of bitterness, depression and quite frankly hatred followed me as I grew up wondering why God would allow bad things to happen to me, not finding Him. I would run to alcohol, boys, anything to cure the pain. None of them cared, they just stole more joy and life from me.  I remember laying on my bed many times at 11, 14, 16 and crying out to my Father. Begging him to just comfort me. He would always point me to verses like:

"When the Lord brought back the captive ones of Zion,
we were like those who dream. 
Then our mouth was filled with laughter
and our tongue with joyful shouting; those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, 
shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him."
(Psalm 126:1)
"You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance"
(psalm 32:7)

I really didn't believe or even understand the verses that the Lord would show me during those times. He was going to heal me? He was going to protect me? One day I would be like those who dream and my mouth would be filled with laughter? Yeah right...that seemed impossible. Oh but it is possible with Him. I have learned in the past few years over tears being shed, over years of friends that never left my side and showed me how to trust, over a sweet husband who loves me and protects me more than I had ever dreamed. I learned that the Lord does have good for me. I am in a season of joy I feel like the captive ones of Zion who are like those who dream and my heart is filled with laughter that I sometimes can't really control...I'm not saying life is perfect by any means, I still have hard days and am still healing, but I have never felt more safe, more healed, more joyful, more loved by people and the Lord. I have never felt so free. 
If you are in a season where it seems life will never change, you'll always be hurting, you'll always be struggling, you'll always be single, you'll always be depressed and's not true. That's just another lie from satan. Take it from someone who is healing a lot, who is joyful, who is like those who dreamed. You will come out on the other side and God will return your wasted years. Trust Him, press into Him...He has so much for you sweet child of God. Let Him speak this to your heart:

I know your wishing
I know your wanting
I know your waiting to be rescued
I weep with you
How I love you
I keep My hand right on you
You will be like those who dreamed
I died so you could be free
From the hell, from your captivity
You will reap songs of joy carrying your sheaves
Behind you of precious fruit that they cannot steal
Cause on your heart I've sealed; My holy spirit
Your constant guide
He will comfort
He intercedes
He reminds you that I will never leave
So rest your head child
I’m right here, I’ll see you through these years
I’ve never failed you, I never will
Just wait in My arms, trust Me and be still

Here is a picture I took while I was in Ireland on my honeymoon at the cliffs of Moher with the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen my Heavenly Daddy create. My husband got it framed for me as a Christmas gift and it sits in our living room. It is not just a picture to me, it is a symbol that God does have good for us, He will never leave, He wants to heal us and He (believe it or not) wants our dreams and desires to come true like any Good Daddy does...

1 comment:

Annie said...

So much hope!

Thank you!!