apparently in Judaism, tradition was for the potential Bridegroom to offer the girl, he wants to make his wife, a cup of wine. if she drinks than she is excepting his offer and deciding to spend a life of commitment, respect, love, and fidelity to him.
then, at the wedding the two would share a cup of wine together...
on the last night in that upper room of Jeruselam, Jesus knew that he was not just drinking wine but was about to drink of the cup of taking on the sin of the world on the cross. He's offering His cup to us, though sinful and broken, His bride, His church...He drank of the worst cup any human will ever have to. because of His steadfast love and mercy He offers us this cup of salvation freely...what a beautiful merciful Savior.
i want to sit at Your feet. drink from the cup in Your hand. this Love is so deep...
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