Tuesday, December 8, 2009

brewing of soma

i'm grateful for the snow outside my window, and I'm grateful for John and how he reminds me to have peace even with finals (that i still don't even know the dates of hah) and RA stuff staring me down. Remembering the everlasting peace that the Lord gives that "surpasses all understanding."
Ultimately this life will fade. these stupid finals will fade. my RA position will fade. my flippin' dry and snow-soaked red hair will fade. my flesh will whither like grass and our glory will fall like flowers but the Word of the Lord and the peace it brings will stand FOREVER. how sweet!:)

this is from John Greenleaf Whittier's 'The Brewing of Soma' :
"Drop thy still dews of quietness,

Till all our strivings cease;

Take from our souls the strain and stress,

And let our ordered lives confess

Thy beauty of Thy peace."

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