Sunday, December 13, 2009

vance havner

"I’m tired of hootenanny religion, the new brand of Christianity that pagans do not feel embarrassed to join. I’m tired of Batman, the Beatniks, the Beatles, the “God is dead” movement, the new morality, situation ethics, existentialism, and the latest theological aberration out of Germany. If my faith were so weak that a professor down in Georgia could shake it, I’d get another kind. I’m tired of hearing in our church bodies that we must get away from our humble beginnings, shake the hayseed out of our hair, and come of age. I hear a lot today about grandstand seats in glory, but I don’t hear much about the baptism of Christ’s suffering. We’re wearing a lot of medals these days, and not many scars."
-vance havner

my first reaction is, wow this is true but I'd never have the audacity to say it. and so very bluntly. my question is why. why don't i say it. why don't i remind people of the gospel of Jesus Christ crucified every time they have an issue and want to simply hear "God is Love".

(which is true but he says that in 1 john 4 after 1 john 2 where he is appealing to the church to remember what Christ did for them. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world 1 John 2:2)

a thought went through my head the other day: i was thinking of an old friend that had a close boyfriend die unexpectedly. she is so dear but her view on life is that we should just love one another. for a brief moment i was thinking of how i could show compassion to her in context of what she believes, maybe for my own glory or maybe for comfort.
either way, she has no hope apart from Jesus Christ, and i need to tell her that.

Sweet Abba... i need an awakening. i need to lay down my life and take up my cross daily, i need to see You as the Way the Truth and the Life and be willing to suffer for it and tell hurting people like her, the only curable Truth.

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