You've been wandering so long
Looking for Me in all that you see
It's all a shadow sweet child
you're longing for My glory
You have an emptiness in you
only your Creator can fill
you see I knit you together
so you could know My love and fulfill My will
My will is your sanctification
to become a new creation
to trade in those ashes for beauty
oh if only you knew Me
and how I intercede daily
asking that My Father would reveal to you His glory
How He sent me
He loved Me, don't you know
but He knew I had to go
leave My throne
My Home
and come in the humblest form
to a land that was ravished and torn
I went into the river
He said He was pleased
so I willingly went
set My face like flint
to the sacrifice before Me
I joyfully went to set you free
I knew at the end you'd be gathered to Me
oh how I yearn for you to see
He's no longer angry
He looks at my blood and sees you as righteous
I loved you enough to be forsaken by Him and say it is finished
so come bring your broken and dirty self before Me
even if your dirty self is the deeds you're performing
I died for that too
oh how i wish you knew
I am so endlessly in love with you
1 comment:
Genial dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
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